What is the difference between conventional medicine (allopathy) and homeopathic medicine?
- The human being is a biologic creature
- The human being is a unity of the physical body, soul and mind
- Human beings are similar in their diseases
- No two human beings are alike, the totality of symptoms will be characteristic to each one
- Diseases are expressed by diagnosis
- Patients with the same diagnosis can have different symptoms
- Treatment is in conformity with protocols
- Treatment is individualized
- Medicine is pointed against the symptoms.
- The remedies act in the same direction as the symptoms.
Principles of Homeopathy are known for more than 200 years (and are written in the Organon), are still valid and working since. The remedies are basically the same as 200 years before (just that we know more about them) and they will stay the same, because the organism itself will choose the way of healing. In conventional medicine the drugs are continuously changing (they are being developed, or new ones are coming ahead), from time to time is proven that some chemical drugs are harmful, obsolete and then are withdrawn from the market, others prove to be ineffective in practice after a while (ex antibiotics).
In conventional medicine the remedies, as they are defined, suppress and make symptoms disappear, making difficult to find the correct homeopathic remedy.
What is the difference between classical homeopathy, clinical homeopathy and other homeopathic approaches?
1.Classical Homeopathy
- The remedy is chosen based on totality of symptoms, on the three: physical, emotional and mental planes, in acute or chronic diseases as well.
- The treatment is individualized, the remedy is chosen out of the entire Materia Medica, based on actual symptoms.
- Diagnosis is important from the prognosis point of view, it doesn`t influence much the choosing of a remedy.
- Only simple (single component) remedies are used.
- Only one remedy at the time is being prescribed, using appropriate dose and rhythm of administration, observing the reactions to the remedy.
- If more remedies are needed to cure, then they will be prescribed one after the other, always based on the symptoms being present.
- The classical homeopath has to have thorough and extensive knowledge on theoretical and practical matters, which assumes a lot of amount of time and continuous learning, and the frequent use of the Materia Medica and the Repertory.
- Classical Homeopathy cures the sick person, its aim is to continuously improve the level of health, therefore the suppression of some symptoms cannot be accepted in order to achieve only an apparent and temporary well-being, which later on leads to the aggravation of the disease.
- We consider that a cure was accomplished, if the patient is feeling well on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally and generally.
2. Clinical Homeopathy
- It is an approach shoved off from Classical Homeopathy, in its way of administering the remedies.
- The remedies are given in a particular manner: usually more than one remedy at a time, in low potency (CH 5-CH 30) and repeated frequently.
- At a first consultation a constitutional remedy is ascertained, but symptomatic remedies are chosen as well.
- This approach became necessary because of the daily practice and the lack of time.
3. Organotropic and complex Homeopathy
- Completely ignores the individualization of the treatment.
- The organotropic homeopathy is aiming the weakened organs that work discordantly, using low potencies (ex. Schüssler salts).
- The use of complex homeopathic remedies is a further simplifying of Homeopathy, when choosing a remedy is based upon diagnosis, it can be done in a very short time, requiring absolutely no homeopathic knowledge.
Is the Moksa Elixír, the Bach flower remedies, gemotherapy or fitotherapy considered Homeopathy?
No. But in certain condition they can complement Homeopathy.
Can homeopathic remedies be chosen by the Bioresonance method, with a stick or a pendulum?
The role of the homeopathic consultation is to find the similimum remedy based on the symptoms being present, out of the entire Materia Medica. The bioresonance device is doing an evaluation on the overall state of health, and choosing a remedy (or more remedies) in a mechanical manner from those introduced in the memory of the device. Choosing a remedy with the help of a stick or a pendulum is not Homeopathy, so prescribing on that has absolutely nothing to do with the science of Homeopathy.
Is Homeopathy a naturopathy?
Naturopathy, as it is defined, refers to those methods of healing, which are based on the power of self-healing of the organism and uses the healing effect of substances found in nature.
Though this definition partly fits to Homeopathy, the homeopathic community doesn`t identify with naturopathy. The laws refer to Homeopathy as alternative/ complementary medicine, which can be chosen instead of conventional medicine or to complement conventional medicine. To this we can add only that Homeopathy can be used as an autonomous healing system (of course within its limits, read more in chapter The basic principles of Homeopathy- The possibilities of healing with Homeopathy)
Is the New Homeopathy a homeopathic method?
New Homeopathy, despite of using the word homeopathy in its denomination, has absolutely nothing to do with Homeopathy, it has no relations to it neither in its method, nor in its principles. The system was developed by Erich Körbler and for diagnosis is using also a pendulum invented by him, which he called the bioindicator.
How do homeopathic remedies work?
- Homeopathic remedies strengthen the self-healing power of the organism.
- The remedies are working along with the organism and not against the symptoms.
- The homeopathic remedy works deep, it heals ones soul from the scars it has from before.
How does a homeopathic case taking look like?
The task of a homeopath is to assess the most complete picture possible about what disease is in his patient. In order to achieve this, he has to find out the minutest details of his complaints, his symptoms, the modalities of the symptoms and the instinctual manifestations of life, as expression of the Vital Force trying to reestablish health in the organism. There are many questions to put, that might sound weird at first, regarding the patients habits (eating, sleeping etc.), his level of energy (sexual, general), about how he sleeps, about being warm or cold, about what makes his complaints better or worse, or how he reacts in certain situations etc.
This is the reason why the case taking in classical Homeopathy takes longer. Besides this, the homeopath should consult the Repertory and the Materia Medica, in order to find the similimum remedy, which doesn`t mean that the homeopath in unprepared, but means exactly the opposite.
In the line of treatment there is a need for more consultations, interpreting the reaction to the remedy is at least as important as choosing the right remedy.
What is a constitutional remedy?
By the concept of the constitutional remedy we understand the remedy which resembles the most to the general, physical, mental and emotional symptoms of the patient at a certain moment. We have to stress, that the constitutional remedy is not valid for ever, it may change during treatment (along with the symptoms), this is like taking of the skin of the onion and finding new layers as we go deeper. Only in people who are on a very high level of health (and are not heavily loaded) can we see that one constitutional remedy is there for life.
Homeopathy and placebo
The placebo effect is as much present in Homeopathy as it is in conventional medicine. The patient may interpret the time spent on the case taking and the thorough questioning (which differ very much from what they are used to) as encouraging, selfless and sincere interest, which may trigger the placebo effect. But “placebo- healings” are only superficial and not lasting very long (neither in Homeopathy nor in conventional medicine), and as soon as the patient draws away his attention from his healing, the placebo effect disappears. There are some ideas, which clearly indicate that the effect of Homeopathy is much more than placebo:
- Why is it, that some patients sometimes have (even strong) aggravation, while the patients are whishing for amelioration?
- How can Homeopathy act on babies and animals?
- How can Homeopathy act in comatose patients?
- How come that there might not be an immediate amelioration right after the first remedy, only later on, after the fifth, the tenth remedy?
- Why patients, who believe in conventional medicine, don`t heal from conventional medication, given by doctors, professors even? Because many times people come to a homeopath after conventional medicine did not help....
- How can certain visible organic lesions go away after homeopathic treatment?
- How can a homeopath predict which complaint would disappear first?
Should one believe in Homeopathy for it to be effective?
Homeopathy is not a matter of faith (see the topic of placebo), the correct remedy has an effect even if the patient doesn`t believe in it. More exactly, only so much faith is needed, which allows the patient to take the remedy and not antidote it.
Can Homeopathy be used in pregnant women?
Yes, categorically. The remedy chosen correctly (meaning based on actual symptoms) raises the level of health, not only the mother`s but the baby`s as well. It helps the organism to become more resistant to diseases, facilitates the process of birth, and does all this without any side effects to the baby or the mother, which we cannot state about the conventional medication (it is a well known fact that only very few allopathic drugs are safe during pregnancy). In classical Homeopathy no birth facilitating protocols are accepted, the pregnant women has to be treated (the same goes to all other patients) according to the actual symptoms and treatment has to be individualized. Schematic treatment can cause problems, especially if the remedy is not similimum to the patient and is repeated frequently.
Which age groups can be treated with Homeopathy?
Homeopathy can be administered to any group of age, from the newborn baby to elderly people.
Can Homeopathy be administered to animals?
Yes, it can be efficiently used for animals. For the classical homeopath the difficulty would be that the animal cannot communicate verbally its complaints, symptoms, so one has to have a great spirit of observation regarding animals, in order to succeed. The clinical homeopathy gained more ground in animal healing, because it is a much easier approach.
Are there allergic reactions or any other side effects to homeopathic treatment?
The homeopathic remedies work on an energy (non-material) level, for they stimulate the Vital Force itself. Due to this matter, remedies cannot produce allergic reactions, or other side effects. The remedies taken causelessly (with no symptoms to be based on), especially if they are repeated frequently or in high dilutions can produce unwanted symptoms (for example appearance of new symptoms, that belong to the remedy, which is called proving), but these are not considered side effects, but incorrect treatment.
Does Homeopathy cause dependency?
No. This has the same explanation as the question regarding side effects and allergic reactions, that the remedies act on an energetic (non- material level) and stimulate the Vital Force. There are no chemicals in remedies so they cannot produce dependency.
Can homeopathic remedies be overdosed?
As explained above, the remedies cannot be overdosed.
Is it true that Homeopathy is completely harmless?
Homeopathy is a gentle, but highly effective treatment when used in accordance with its laws. Due to this there is no possibility of allergic reactions, other side effects or danger of overdose. Even if one eats more tubes of homeopathic remedies at once, there can be no life threatening reaction. What can happen in such case is that symptoms of the remedy can come along (proving), especially if the person is sensitive to the remedy taken, or some symptoms may disappear or others may be suppressed, which leads to altering the state of health. These kinds of reactions can be really unpleasant to the patient, therefore it is recommended to treat these issues with proper seriousness and to seek help from a homeopath, when the difficulty of the task exceeds the possibility of one treating himself.
What are the laws regarding Homeopathy in Romania?
I Romania the 118/02.05.2007 law is referring to practicing complementary/ alternative medicine, Homeopathy is recognized as autonomous method of healing, the right of practice is given to medical doctors (who already acquired a specialty degree and have a practice license). This law also states that every citizen has the right to choose complementary/ alternative methods of healing.
Who can practice Homeopathy?
Apart from some simple self-treating cases the current legislation in Romania allows to treat with this system of healing only medical doctors specialized in Homeopathy.
Can Homeopathy be used for self healing?
To some extent, yes, if the person learns how to recognize the symptoms of some more frequently used remedies. This may work mostly in simple acute diseases, smaller traumas, toothaches, headaches or other simpler complaints. But in order to avoid the frustration caused by the failure of self treatment and the unpleasant events mentioned above is recommended to consult a Homeopath.
Is Homeopathy an expensive method?
No, homeopathic remedies are not at all expensive, especially those that are available in Romania. In classical Homeopathy remedies are used wisely, one remedy at the time, and even if more remedies are needed for a cure, we can state that is considerably cheaper treatment than the allopathic drug use. Besides this the homeopathic remedies, if stored properly, can preserve their efficiency for a very long time.
Can patients with diabetes be treated with Homeopathy?
Yes. The homeopathic remedies contain sugar, lactose and/or sucrose, but in a minute quantity. The single component remedies of Boiron contain 0.21 g of sucrose and 0.04g of lactose per 5 granules. If one should keep a severe diet, has to count in these quantities.
Are people intolerant of lactose allowed to take homeopathic remedies?
The amount of lactose in the remedies is very small, much less than the amount that would cause symptoms. The remedies also can be diluted in water, which can further lessen the intake of lactose.
How long does the homeopathic treatment last?
Homeopathy mobilizes the body's defense system in the process of healing, therefore the healthy state of the defense system is the main determining factor regarding the duration of treatment. Depending on the patient the process of healing can last months or years. Acute diseases heal immediately or within a short time. In chronic diseases is more difficult to achieve quick results, especially if they seek help of a homeopath as a last resort, after all other methods have been tried previously.
As soon as the patient feels good, the treatment can be stopped. If there is a relapse, new symptoms appear or an acute disease occurs, a new consultation is needed and perhaps another prescribing.
Can different homeopathic remedies be used simultaneously?
In classical Homeopathy this approach is not accepted. The only exception can be made if the patient's life is in danger, or in some special cases, where the homeopath cannot be sure of the similimum remedy.
Can homeopathic remedies be used simultaneously with conventional medication?
Yes, they can be used simultaneously. One cannot talk about drug interactions, because there are no chemical substances in the remedies and their action is non-material. Still, it can happen that antibiotics, cortisone or other anti-inflammatory drugs, used so often in conventional practice, may suspend the effect of homeopathic remedies, temporarily. Given together with allopathic medicines or hormones the remedies will have lesser or no effect. On the one hand is almost impossible for a homeopath to find the right remedy, because symptoms were suppressed by chemical drugs, and on the other hand the remedies used in homeopathy are so very much diluted, that they are „weaker” (chemically), than the chemical drugs, which annihilate the effect of the remedies, if used simultaneously. This is why it is recommended to consult with the homeopath regarding the simultaneous use of the two types of treatment.
Can Homeopathy be used together with psychotherapy?
Yes. The only difficulty would be in such a situation, that the homeopath will not be able to interpret whether the changes produced in the state of health of the person are due to the remedy or psychotherapy.
Can Homeopathy be used together with acupuncture?
The best thing to do is not to use both at the same time, because they are effective healing methods, which produce changes in the state of health and the homeopath must know about what is happening in the organism after the remedy is given. If one method did not work, one can always try the other.
Can Homeopathy be used together with Bowen therapy?
Both are efficient methods of healing, which cause changes in the state of health. Nevertheless the homeopath has to know what is going on in the organism after the remedy is given. This is why, especially at the beginning of treatment, is better to give time to the remedy, and only after assessing its effect to use the Bowen therapy. It is also possible that the defense mechanism is not too strong to bring out a clear picture of the remedy, and then one could try a few Bowen sessions, which strengthens the system and may help to find a remedy. The two systems work synergistic.
Can any disease be cured with Homeopathy?
Homeopathy can be used in any disease, but whether it will accomplish a complete cure or only will it palliate, depends on lot of factors. The level of health of the patient, his predispositions, diseases, the amount of suppressive treatments, the life style (including physical, mental and emotional stress situations) are all decisive factors which express the integrity of the Vital Force, of the defense mechanism. The possibility of healing lies within the power of the Vital Force.
There is an excellent reaction to the homeopathic remedies, even a complete cure may follow in the following pathologies, without being exhaustive: chronic headaches, migraines, vertigo, petit mal epilepsy, frontal and maxillary sinusitis (acute or chronic), allergic rhinitis, allergic and other asthma, gastritis, gastroenteritis, hepatitis, fatty degeneration of the liver, cholecystitis, duodenal ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and irritable bowel disease (IBD), chronic conjunctivitis, otitis, acne, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatosis, trigeminal or intercostal neuralgia, herpes zoster, lumbago, muscular pain, traumas of muscles and tendons, incontinence, prostatitis, pathology of the sperm, anxiety and phobias, anemia (not thalassemia), attention deficit disorder (ADD), gynecological pathology (mastitis, endometriosis, infertility, PMS), cystitis etc.
It is well known, that Homeopathy achieved some positive results in severe diseases, as cancer, heart disease, stroke, autism, grand mal epilepsy, schizophrenia but it almost never accomplished a complete cure.
It is recommended that patients seek homeopathic help in the beginning stages of their disease, because that is when the best results can be obtained.
Where are the limits of homeopathic treatment?
Acute diseases in most of the cases respond well to homeopathic treatment. In chronic pathologies when there are only functional disorders, it is clear that treatment is more effective than if organic modifications are already installed. Permanent anatomic lesions (infarcts or calcified areas), missing organs cannot be substituted with Homeopathy (neither), it cannot substitute surgery, intensive care, when needed.
Has there been conducted any clinical trials to Homeopathy?
Numerous clinical trials had been conducted and published in scientific magazines, which show Homeopathy being effective. The proving itself means: the clinical investigations of the remedy conducted on healthy people. But conducting a clinical trial in Homeopathy from an allopathic approach – neglecting the principles of Homeopathy- cannot bring evaluable results.
The explanation for this is that a remedy used for a certain diagnosis can only be effective, if the clinical picture of the remedy is similar to the diagnosis related symptoms and its modalities. This way there are more remedies which can be used for a diagnosis, and choosing the right one, that will work, can only be done by a Homeopath. If we use just one of these remedies for each and every patient, who have the same diagnosis, the results will be only scarce.
Simplifying this to an example, it sounds like this. Let us investigate the antipyretic action of a drug, for example for paracetamol. We don`t even have to know the origin of fever or any other symptom to the disease, paracetamol will bring down the fever in a significant percent (or most of the cases). If we would like to examine this with a homeopathic remedy and use one remedy, which might be good for fever, for example Belladonna, and would neglect the other symptoms that are present during the fever, Belladonna would bring down fever in very few cases, so than one could draw the conclusion that Belladonna (and the entire Homeopathy with it) is inefficient and that those few cases where the fever went down are due to placebo effect. But is we consider the symptoms of Belladonna (written in the Materia Medica: sudden onset, hot head, cold extremities, wet skin, red cheeks, bright eyes, dilated pupils, throbbing headache, symptoms worse from touch, from jar, light, noises, the patient desires lemonade, is confused, maybe with delirium) and we would use Belladonna where these symptoms are present, in most of these cases the fever would come down (as well as the disease in which it occurred). Belladonna will only bring down fever, if these symptoms are also present with the fever.
The homeopathic community does call for clinical studies and researches, but urges the researchers to coordinate their investigation strategy with homeopaths, so they can carry out correctly the studies, because real results can be obtained only if the laws of Homeopathy are respected.